Historical Geneologies: War Machine, the State, CapitalismThe publication of Anti Oedipus, the first volume of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari’s Capitalism and Schizophrenia, led to a sort of…Jul 1, 2022Jul 1, 2022
On the Approach to Physics, DeLandaContradiction and namely disunity must naturally be present in every field of study, including that of “science”, but even science has been…Jan 12, 20221Jan 12, 20221
A Schizoanalytic PrimerTo start, with Freud. In laying down a structured theory of the psychic apparatus according to the 3 agencies of Ego, Id, and Superego…Jan 6, 20222Jan 6, 20222
Ecstatic Terror, Transgression and the Outside : An Exploration of The Lighthouse (2019)“You know how you eat grass with no teeth? You rip it out and you swallow it”Jan 5, 20221Jan 5, 20221
Libidinal Metaphysics and Cosmology: Cormac Mccarthy’s Blood Meridian“The very sediment of things contained yet some residue of sentience. As if in the transit of those riders were a thing so profoundly…Dec 26, 20211Dec 26, 20211